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Viareggio Workshop

19-20 June 2015

Workshop topic: Research and development of new methods and technologies applied to cultural heritage assets: Advanced 3D modelling for cultural and creative industries


Thursday, 18th June 2015

20.00 h.- Welcome Cocktail offered by Fondazione Carnevale di Viareggio

(At Ristorante Hotel Mirage Via Giuseppe Zanardelli n° 12)

Friday, 19th June 2015

Venue: Cittadella del Carnevale- via Santa Maria Goretti

10.00 h.-            Welcome by:

Stefano Pozzoli – Commissario Fondazione Carnevale di Viareggio

10.10 h.-            1st Session:

Research and development of new methods and technologies applied to cultural heritage assets: Advanced 3D modelling for cultural and creative industries

Partners’ communications:

10.10 h.- “La costruzione dei carri del Carnevale: dalla tecnica della carta a calco alle nuove tecnologie applicate alla realizzazione dei carri” by Fondazione Carnevale di Viareggio’s representative

10.40 h.- Communication by Dieter Wenger -INSPIRATION WERBUNG GESTALTUNG DESING’s representative

11.10 h.- “A regola d’arte: la cartapesta come obbligo di tradizione” by Emanuela Elba and Deni Bianco – Comune di Putignano’s representative

11.40 h.-            Pause

12.00 h.- “El ninot de falla. De los procesos tradicionales a las nuevas tecnologías de construcción” by Toni Colomina and Tono Herrero – Associació d’Estudis Fallers’ representatives

12.30 h.- “Documentazione del patrimonio effimero: modelli digitali 3D dei carri allegorici del Carnevale di Viareggio” by Silvia Bertacchi – ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA’s representative

13.00 h.-            Lunch at MIRAGE RESTAURANT via Zanardelli, 12 (this expense will be covered by each participant’s budget)

16.00 h.- CARNVAL project management/monitoring:

Network implementation

Database implementation

Financial and management questions

18.00 h.- Visit to the Cittadella del Carnavale Museum

(DINNER AT RESTAURANT “Buo di Misurino” Via Machiavelli, 64)

Saturday, 20th June 2015


Via Santa Maria Goretti

10.00 h.-            2nd Session:

Cultural and creative industries management around the European carnival festive events

Partners’ communications:

10.00 h.- Communication by Gianpaolo Loperfido – Comune di Putignano’s representative

10.20 h.- Communication by Dieter Wenger -INSPIRATION WERBUNG GESTALTUNG DESING’s representative and Gilbert Korte – STADTVERWALTUNG MAINZ’s representative

10.40 h.- “Los artistas falleros y la construcción de fallas en Valencia” by Gil-Manuel Hernàndez i Martí and Emma Gómez Nicolau – Universitat de València & Associació d’Estudis Fallers’ representatives

11.00 h.- Non organised and popular events in Tagus region by Tomar’s representative

11.20 h.- Tradizione e produzione culturale/creativa nei carnevali in Campania by Teresa Colleta and Lucia Bello – Napoli’s representatives

11.40 h.- Communication by Fondazione Carnevale di Viareggio’s representative

12.00 h.-            Pause

12.30 h.-            Panel discussion:

                            Sharing management models of European carnival festive events

Moderator: Alessandra delle Fave


Comune di Putignano’s representative: Gianpaolo Loperfido

STADTVERWALTUNG MAINZ’s representative: Gilbert Korte

Universitat de València´s representative: Gil-Manuel Hernàndez i Martí

Tomar’s representative

Napoli’s representative

Universitat Politècnica de València’s representative: Vicente Guerola Blay

13.30 h.-            Lunch (this expense will be covered by each participant’s budget)

19.00 h.-            Mascherate parade at Cittadella del Carnevale and dinner at Cittadella

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Viareggio Workshop: Intro
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