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Puntignamo Workshop

29-30 January 2016

Analysis, interpretation and understanding European intangible cultural heritage

Puntignamo workshop: Other Projects

Detailed Programme

Friday 29/01/2016 BIBLIOTECA COMUNALE “Sala conferenze”

9.00: Registration

9.30: Opening Session

Institutional Greetings

Domenico Giannadrea, Mayor of Putignano

Piero Liuzzi, Senato della Repubblica Italiana, Commissione Cultura

Eugenia Vantaggiato, Segretario regionale MIBACT, Ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali

Vicent Guerola Blay, Carnval project Coordinator

10.00: Key speaker

Raising tourism value of Ephemeral Cultural Heritage through public policy: the experience of the región of Valencia

Author: José Luis Wagner Salazar (Jefe Área de Conocimiento e Inteligencia Turística. Agencia Valenciana del Turisme. Generalitat Valenciana)

10.30: Partners’ Communications


10.30 – 10.50:

Cultural Heritage and Tourism Management in the Falles Festival in Valencia

Authors: José Nácher (Universitat de València) and Alejandro Lagarda (ADEF)


Valencian Fallas festivity: stakeholders, funding and economic impact

Authors: Alicia Llorca and Laura Fernández Durán (Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio de la Universitat Politècnica de València)

11.10-11.40: Coffee-break



Flows of visitors in major festivities: from hazards and finances into economy and culture

Author: Luiz Oosterbeek (Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal)


Caretos, masquerades, Winter Feast and Tourism in the Northeast of Portugual

Author: Vítor Teixeira (Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, UCP, Portugal)


Carnival of Putignano and tourism: yesterday, today and… tomorrow

Author: Gianpaolo Loperfido (Fondazione Carnevale di Putignano)


3D digital models aimed at disseminating and documenting: from web-sharing of online contents to camera-resectioning techniques applied to archival images

Author: Filippo Fantini (Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna)

13.00 – 15.00: Lunch

Speed sessions on project management (interim financial report) between the CARNVAL coordinator and the CARNVAL partners will be held during this afternoon. A tight timetable for each partner (one-to-one session) will be published as soon as possible.

15.00: Partners’ Communications



Cultural Tourism and Intangible Cultural Heritage

Author: Luigi Fusco Girard (Centro Interdipartimentale di ricerca in pianificazione urbanistica “Alberto Calza Bini”, Università Federico II, Napoli)


Putignano, Medieval Walled City.

The circular urban enceinte, a touristic opportunity for the floats’ parade

Author: Teresa Colletta (Comitato scientifico internazionale ICOMOS. Città storiche del mediterraneo-CIVVIH)


The 2016 Carnivals in the Campania urban centres and the new cultural-touristic promotional activity

Author: Anny Errico (ARF ART, NAPOLI)

16.00-16.30: Coffee break


Carnevale: evento culturale e leva turistica

Author: Andrea Mazzi (Fondazione Carnevale di Viareggio)


The economic importance of Carnival for tourism in Mainz

Author: Steven Klötzer (Stadtverwaltung Mainz)


Putignano, the Carnival and territory: reflections about sustainable tourism

Author: Emanuela Elba (Comune di Putignano)

17.30 Final debate


Theatre performance by Alephtheatre, Stultifera navis, Arte in Viaggio

Morsi d’amore. Favola in versi musica e danza per un mondo di cartapesta

Saturday 30/01/2016 BIBLIOTECA COMUNALE Sala conferenze

9.00-13.00: Technical session about “Carnval project” management

Speed sessions on project management (interim financial report) between the CARNVAL coordinator and the CARNVAL partners will be held during this morning. A tight timetable for each partner (one-to-one session) will be published as soon as possible.

13.00-15.00: Buffet lunch offered by Comune di Putignano

15.00-17.00: Visit to Putignano

-15.00: Grotta del Trullo

-16.00: Carnival hangars

-17.30: Old town

19.00: Carnival parade

Puntignamo workshop: About My Project
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