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About the CARNVAL Project

The overall goal of the project EPHEMERAL
RITUALS (CARNVAL) - Agreement n.
2014-3297/001-001- is to promote some of the
most European Carnival rituals and the cultural
and creative sectors associated with them.

These events are an important part of Europe’s
intangible cultural heritage. Our project,
therefore, aims to bring greater attention to
these events and create links among them –
and ultimately to reinforce the idea of a
common European cultural area and
enhance the feeling of a common European

In order to achieve our goals, we are
concentrating on those festive events that
mirror, or are direct reminders of, historical or
contemporary events – most of which show
the complex historical, social and cultural links
among different European regions. The
dissemination of this domain of non-material
cultural heritage can serve as a very important
factor in fostering dialogue between cultures.

On the one hand, it will help to highlight the
richness of cultural and historical diversity, in
opposition to the increasing trends of
globalisation. And on the other, it will
contribute to an emerging feeling of European
citizenship, as many cultural and historical links
are emphasised or made obvious.

About: About Me


In order to carry out the activities of the project a team of 13 partners from 5 european countries has been created. 

The multidisciplinary nature of the consortium set up has made possible to include several different activities as part of the project plans.




Project Leader - Universitat Politècnica de València – Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio 

Universitat de València (UVEG),

Asociació d’Estudis Fallers (ADEF),

Asociación UNESCO Valencia,


Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT),

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP),


Inspiration Werbung Gestaltung Design,

Stadt Mainz.


Kulturno izobrazevalno drustvo (KIBLA)


Università di Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum (UNIBO)

Fondazione Carnevale di Viareggio,

Comune di Putignano,

Interdepartamental center of research in Urban Planning Alberto Calza Bini, Laboratory of research on Creative and Sustainable City of University Federico II of Naples

About: Body

Duration of the Project

the project has started on the 1st December 2014 and ended at the 30th April 2017.

About: Conclusion
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