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In order to achieve the aims of the project the consortium has been envolved in several activities.

Activities: Other Projects

Implementation of an European network

Duration: 29 months

This network gathers creative and cultural organisations and institutions related to European Carnival rituals as festive events that reflect historical, socila and cultural realities.


Duration: 12 months

Database containing the traditionanl European festivities realted to European Carnival rituals as festive events taht reflect historical, social and cultural realities


Duration: 12 months

Set up a website whose content will deal with European culture with regard to its traditional Carnival festivities

Four Workshops arrangement

Duration: 12 months

Workshop for sharing knowledge and practices among the creative industries in different European countries that support / promote the celebration and development of traditional festivities (sharing techniques and procedures, management policies, promotion and dissemination actions, etc.).

TV documentary

Duration: 12 months

TV Documentary about the most representative traditional Carnival festivities within the European framework. This documentary includes a selection of exemplary practices related to European Carnival rituals as festive events that reflect historical, social and cultural realities.

Dissemination and Promotion of the Project

Duration: 14 months

From the start, the different work packages had generic support aimed at boosting the visibility of their objectives and the dissemination of their results. Likewise, this tool addresses the needs of disseminating and announcing each event, activity or product to come out of the program. Actions in different channels have been considered, from getting involved in related conferences and fairs, to the aide of tools using new technology and social networks.

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