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Mainz Workshop

10-11th November 2016

Analysis, interpretation and understanding European intangible cultural heritage

Mainz Workshop: Other Projects

Detailed Programme

10 November 

Location: Drusus-room, Zitadelle, Building E, 55131 Mainz

  • 09:30 – “Come Together” and registration

  • 10:00 – Opening with the Councilor of the culture and building department,

                     Mrs. Marianne Grosse and Project Director Vicente Guerola Blay

– Greetings from the President of the Mainz Carnival Club (MCV),

    Prof. Dr. Dr. Reinhard Urban

  • 10:15 – Greetings from the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Science, further education and culture of Rhineland-Palatinate,

Prof. Dr. Salvatore Barbaro

  • 10:30 – Lecture by Peter Krawietz, vice president of the German carnival association and honorary president of the lobby group “middle Rhine carnival” – Title: “Importance of the political-literary carnival in Germany (in English language)

  • 10:50 – 11:10 – little coffee break

  • 11:10 – Lecture by Rudi Henkel, honorary president of the Mainzer carnival club (MCV) and Dieter Wenger, Inspiration – Title: “lived political carnival – indoor and street carnival; from the idea to the floats”

(in German language, interpreter present)

  • 11:45 – 14:45 – Lunch and after a little sightseeing tour by bus

  • 14:45 – 17:15 – Lectures and presentations of the CARNVAL members or external speakers about the influence of politics on carnival feasts in the different countries and regions

  • 17:15 – 18:00 – Panel discussion.
    Lecturers: Gilbert Korte, Steven Klötzer, Dieter Wenger, Hanne Wenger, Oliver Wenger, Alejandro Terron, Carolina Oviedo, Luigi Fusco Girard, Francesca Nocca, Andrea Mazzi, Maria da Conceição Rodrigues Catroga, Pedro Cura, Filippo Fantini, Luca Cipriani, Giampaolo Loperfido, Vicente Guerola Blay, Toni Colomina Subiela, Ignasi Gironés Sarrió, Paloma Musté Ferrero, Mónica Espí Pastor,  Jesús Peris Llorca, Gil-Manuel Hernández, Pau Rausell, Verònica GIsbert, Paco Pellicer, Marisa Falcó i Vitor Teixera

  • 18:00 – 18.30 – Time for exchange and discussion or for organizational things related to CARNVAL Project; closing of day 1

  • From 19:30 – A little walk through old town and dinner (this expense will be covered by each participant’s budget)

11 November

  • 09:15 – Meeting in the Hilton Hotel lobby, walking to the Gutenberg-Museum to visit it; after we walk to the “Schillerplatz” to join the opening ceremony of the carnival season

  • 11:11 – celebration for the opening of the Mainz carnival season; for lunch we will have snacks of local meals (e.g. pea soup, German sausages, etc.) that are offered during the festivity

  • 14:00 – bus transfer to Mainz-Mombach and tour through the workshop where Dieter Wenger is building the floats for the Rose Monday Parade

  • 16:00 – short lectures of 3 Guards of the Mainz carnival (in German language, interpreter present)

  • 17:00 – Press conference for the Mainz workshop and the CARNVAL Project; closing of the workshop

Mainz Workshop: About My Project
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